Please use the Gooby - Infinite Media Server tutorial instead, the tutorials below are for reference only and no longer maintained or guaranteed to work.
Legacy Tutorials (Deprecated):
Tutorial 1: Infinite Plex on a VPS
- Part 1 - Creating an infinite Plex server using a VPS and Cloud service
- Part 2 - Configuring Ubuntu
- Part 3 - Install and configure Plex
- Part 4 - Setting up Rclone and/or Plexdrive
- Part 5 - Mounting the drive(s)
- Part 6 - Making it all come together
Tutorial 2: Creating a Website on a VPS
- Part 1 - Creating a website on your VPS
- Part 2 - Installing Linux Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) on your VPS
- Part 3 - Prerequisites to setup your domain
- Part 4 - Installing WordPress
- Part 5 - Let's Encrypt!